Raspy's Adventures




Subject: Meet Jeckle and Hide
Hmmmm....you nearly had a delivery back over the weekend......5am Sunday morning she wanted to get up and 
play.....5AM - I tell ya......She had just been taken outside at 4am for a pit stop......We tried the ignore the whinges for attention and hoped she would drop off.....but NOOOOOOoooooo, precious pup was wide awake and wanted to play.  We put her in the lounge to wander around and play with her treat ball.....that
took a minute then she was telling us that she still wanted attention......
Poor old mum drew the short straw and at 6.30am was sitting like a zombie in the lounge....raw hide bone in one hand, coffee in the other, with previous pup on lap.  (The neighbours back fence is close to our place and I just did not want her making that much noise that early in the morning - she has definitely learnt that she has a bark on her)
This morning we had a totally different pup......she had a 3am pit stop (not really sure as I was dead a sleep, poor daddy).....the alarm went off at 6.30am and then she woke up (sigh).....we had a lovely stretch and scratch...then went and got very excited over breakfast (hovered that down in under a minute, I tell ya she's quick)....then out side  for some very impressive bowel movements.....(sheesh, what have we turned into, we are now getting excited about dog bowel movements)....then back inside for some quiet play until 'daddy' got dressed for work....then we tag and it is his turn and to play and my shower :) 
I think Aaron is still expecting her to learn too much too soon....toilet training is getting better - only one mishap this weekend, when she wanted attention.
She has also learnt to come (that was easy.....).  She has also learnt sit (so cute) and drop.
She was starting to get the idea of the routine.  Aaron would be up one end of the lounge and I would be up the other and we would take turns calling her, commanding sit and then giving the treat.......she started just turning around, going back to the other person and sitting automatically, so we had to change the routine.
We experienced our first beef bone on Sunday (Oh I like giving her bones.....)did not hear peep out of her for over a hour....but the lovely clean face she had was not so clean after it had been dragged through the dirt with the bone.....
She still does not like the brush around her face...the rest of the body is ok, but not the face.  We have a lovely wrestle when I want to clean her face.....I can tease the dirt out of her mouth area and can firmly pull it, she does not seem to mind that but the dreaded brush??? Iwill need to come out in a few weeks time for a trim and to see how you chalk up a dog.  I have trimmed the hair from her eyes...but that is also a wrestling match....treats or no treats....
Aaron is still the doting dad...he crumbles when she is being very cute.......
We took her to the vets on Saturday for her 10 week shot.  It was an injection and a couple of mls of something up the nose.  He said that she would possibly sneeze a bit....nope...not Raspy...she was too interested in the liver treat the vet gave her.....she was good for her weight, and she thought the front reception was a doggy candy store...she could not sit still.....We also gave her a gut worm tablet (that the vet provided).....We thought we would try putting it in her food first - no worries...hovered that down with the rest of her bickies......sheesh.
Any advice on stopping her biting....I have held the scruff of her neck and said no (watching what you did when we picked her up from you), this doesn't overly work.  We have laid her on her side and made her submit (gently)....trying to show her we are the alpha dogs....that works for a couple of minutes......and we have also got up and walked away, turning our backs on her...that lasts a little bit longer but it means I have to keep getting off the couch.
Aaron believes I have taught her a bad habit by holding her on my lap on the couch (we both often fall asleep together, Raspy and me).  She jumps up leaning against the couch, scratching and barking some times.  I think she just wants us to come down to her level to play.  I won't pick her up unless she is quite and sitting......   If I make her sit and be quiet, then pick her up, often she wants to be put back down, hence my theory is that she wants us down on the floor at her level....but Aaron says she does not do this to him...she only scratches at the couch I am on???? Any Ideas.
Last night she stood between my legs while I did the dishes....just sitting and starting up with her beautiful dark eyes.
We both cannot wait until she is 12 weeks to get her out and about...she has soooo much energy and she just loves visitors and gets very excited.
The short answer to your question....she is just gorgeous, making us sleep deprived but gorgeous.
This has been printed with the permission of the wonderful owners...Thank you!